At “A’s BRIDGE”, we are an import agency that connects innovative products and services from around the world to the Japanese market. We collaborate with global manufacturers to provide the best strategies for success in Japan. More than just an importer, we partner with you to conduct market research and devise marketing strategies for your products to thrive in Japan.
私たち「A’s BRIDGE」は、海外の革新的な製品やサービスを日本市場に橋渡しする輸入代理店です。世界中のメーカーと連携し、彼らの製品を日本市場で成功させるための最適な戦略を提供します。私たちは、ただ商品を輸入するだけではなく、日本での成功を実現するためのパートナーとして、現地の市場調査やマーケティング戦略の策定を行っています

What We Do
Our Service

Market Research in Japan
We conduct thorough research on consumer needs and market trends in Japan, proposing the most effective market entry strategies.

Utilization of Crowdfunding
We leverage crowdfunding platforms to test product-market fit and gather feedback from potential consumers.

Diverse Sales Channels
From online to offline, we utilize various sales channels to effectively penetrate the Japanese market.
Past events/過去の事例

Our Mission
At A’s BRIDGE, our mission is to be the bridge that turns ideas into reality, starting today. We are committed to providing the best path for companies worldwide to succeed in the Japanese market, supporting the growth of your business every step of the way.
「A’s BRIDGE」は、アイデアを形にし、今日からその可能性を現実にする橋となることを使命としています。私たちの役割は、世界中の企業が日本市場で確実に成功を収めるための最善の道筋を提供し、ビジネスの発展をサポートすることです。

Business Alliance
Partner Consultant/連携コンサルタント

We have partnered with import business consultant Hideaki Otake.
Together with Hideaki Otake, an evangelist for the Japanese crowdfunding site “Makuake,” we are working to spread innovative products from around the world to Japan, bringing them closer to the rest of the world and bringing smiles to the faces of everyone in Japan and abroad through our products.

Contact Us
For more details, please consult with us. Feel free to contact us at the following address. We also welcome inquiries through our contact form.
E-mail: asbtrade@outlook.jp